Mahoni Global, PT ئاپەکان

Majalah Indonesia
Mahoni Global, PT
Dapatkan majalah-majalah kesayangan andadan nikmati dimana saja dan kapan saja.Majalah Indonesia™ untuk Android, adalah newsstand yang akanmemenuhi kebutuhan anda untuk mendapat majalah-majalah populer danter update di Indonesia . Majalah Indonesia™ menampung berbagaijenis majalah Indonesia secara komplit, sesuai dengan pilihanbacaan anda. Setiap majalah yang ada akan terus ter-updatemengikuti edisi dalam masing-masing majalah yang telah terbit padaedisi cetaknya dan bisa di share melalui email atau jejaring sosialseperti, Facebook dan Twitter.Berbagai majalah ternama dapat ditemukan di Aplikasi MajalahIndonesia™, seperti, Tempo, Gatra, IndonesiaTatler, Cars Plus, Globe Asia, PC Games,Travelounge, Tatler Traveler, Investor,Waralaba, Info Bisnis, Info Bank, LuarBiasa, Jurnal Maritim, Femme, StudentGlobe, Aneka Yess, dan masih banyak lainnya.Aplikasi Majalah Indonesia™ dikembangkan dengan fitur-fitur menarikyang akan membuat pengguna aplikasi semakin nyaman menikmatimajalah kesayangannya. Fitur-fitur tersebut antara lain :1. BrowserUntuk menjelajah internet tanpa keluar dari aplikasi (Dibutuhkankoneksi Internet)2. Majalah yang sudah ter-download bisa di baca tanpa koneksiInternet, di setiap waktu, kapan saja dan dimana saja.3. Setiap majalah yang sudah terdownload akan selamanya tersimpan.Bila anda sudah bosan dan ingin menghapusnya, lalu ingin membacanyalagi di lain waktu, buku akan tetap bisa di download dengan mudahdan tanpa biaya tambahan.3. Ringkas & Praktis.Anda bisa membawa SEMUA koleksi majalah anda di setiap perjalanananda tanpa perlu repot atau berat.4. Aman untuk seluruh keluarga.Aplikasi Majalah Indonesia tidak menyediakan majalah khusus dewasa,sehingga aplikasi ini aman untuk digunakan oleh seluruh anggotakeluarga.Kesempatan Penerbitan Majalah secara Digital denganmudah!Majalah Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi publisher majalah yangingin memasarkan majalah mereka dalam bentuk digital, Mahoni.comsebagai developer bisa memfasilitasi kesempatan ini. Bergabungsekarang, dan terbitkan majalah anda dalam bentuk digital diAplikasi Majalah Indonesia.Ingin mendistribusikan majalah anda dalam versi digital di AplikasiMajalah Indonesia™, hubungi bagian marketing kamiinfo@mahoni.comSaran, kritik dan pertanyaan mengenai Aplikasi Majalah™ Indonesiahubungi Customer Support kami di atau kunjungiforum kami di your favoritemagazines and enjoy anywhere and anytime.Indonesian magazines & trade; for Android, is a newsstand thatwill meet your needs to get popular magazines and ter updates inIndonesia. Indonesian magazines & trade; Indonesia accommodatevarious types of magazines are complete, according to your readingoptions. Every magazine that there will continue to be updated tofollow each edition of the magazine which has been published in theprint edition and can be shared via email or social networks suchas Facebook and Twitter.Various famous magazine can be found in Applications MagazineIndonesia & trade ;, such as, Tempo , Slot , Indonesia Tatler ,Cars Plus , Globe Asia , PC Games , Travelounge , Tatler Traveler ,Investor , < b> Franchise , Business Info , Info Bank ,Outstanding , Journal of Maritime , Femme , Student Globe , AnekaYess , and many more.Applications Magazine Indonesia & trade; developed withinteresting features that will make the application morecomfortable enjoying his favorite magazine. These featuresinclude:1. BrowserTo surf the Internet without exiting the application (Internetconnection required)2. Magazines that already was downloaded can be read without anInternet connection, at any time, anytime and anywhere.3. Each magazine already downloaded will be stored forever. If youare bored and want to delete, and then want to read it again at alater time, the book will still be downloaded easily and at noextra cost.3. Concise and Practical.You can bring ALL your magazine collection on your journey withoutany hassle or heavy.4. Safe for the whole family.Magazine Indonesia applications do not provide adult magazine, sothat the application is safe for use by the entire family.Magazine Publishing in the Digital Opportunity easily!Indonesian magazine opens opportunities for magazine publishers whowant to market their magazine in digital form, asdevelopers can facilitate this opportunity. Join now, and publishyour magazine in digital form in Application MagazineIndonesia.Want to distribute your magazine in a digital version in IndonesiaMagazine Applications & trade ;, contact our marketing divisioninfo@mahoni.comSuggestions, criticism and questions about the MagazineApplications & trade; Indonesia contact our Customer Support or visit our forum in
Alkitab LAI
Mahoni Global, PT
Aplikasi Alkitab LAI Rilis Terbaru, DenganFitur Yang Lebih Canggih Dan Menarik. Download Sekarang!Aplikasi ‘Alkitab LAI’ adalah Digital Newsstand yang dikeluarkanresmi oleh Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia, berisi Alkitab (TerjemahanBaru) yang disertakan gratis. Selain itu juga bisa didapatkanbanyak buku-buku terbitan LAI yang bisa dipilih sesuai dengankebutuhan kita.Alkitab yang disediakan, ditampilkan sedemikian rupa sehingga miripdengan saat kita membacanya melalui Alkitab versi cetak, inidimaksudkan agar para pemakai merasa nyaman dan tak merasa banyakperbedaan dengan cara membaca yang sudah dilakukan selama ini:- Cover dan tampilan persis sama dengan versi cetak- Saat membuka-buka halaman sangat mirip dengan cara membukaAlkitab versi cetak.Untuk versi terbaru dari aplikasi Alkitab LAI, kini semakinmemudahkan penggunanya untuk mengakses beberapa hal, seperti:- Anotasi :Memungkinkan penggunanya untuk menandai atau mewarnai text yangsedang dibaca. Fitur ini juga memungkinan pengguna untukmenambahkan catatan di text yang diinginkan di semua buku yangsudah di download.- Bookmark :Memungkinkan penggunanya untuk langsung menggunakan daftar isisebagai Jalan pintas untuk bisa langsung menuju halaman Kitab yangingin dibaca.- Panduan Penggunaan :Menampilkan cara untuk menggunakan aplikasi LAI ini dengan lebihmaksimal. Manual guide juga dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar panduanyang memudahkan penggunanya untuk langsung bisa mengakses aplikasidengan cepat.- Koleksi buku yang akan terus di update sebagai bahan bacaan untukpengetahuan rohani Kristen dan Katolik ataupun beberapa ceritamenarik lainnya.- Tampilan halaman juga bisa diatur dalam posisi model Portrait& Landscape. Saat membacanya jika dibutuhkan, maka tulisandilayar bisa di perbesar agar tampak lebih jelas. Ini sangatberguna bagi orang yang sudah berumur bisa membacanya dengan lebihnyaman.- Setelah aplikasi di download, tidak dibutuhkan lagi koneksiinternet untuk setiap membaca Alkitab yang sudah disertakan diaplikasi ini. Jadi Alkitab atau buku-buku yang tersedia dalamaplikasi LAI ini bisa dibaca dimana sana dan kapan saja saatdiperlukan.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan hubungi atau kunjungionline support kami di Bible LAILatest Release, With A More Sophisticated Features And Interesting.Download Now!Application 'Bible LAI' Digital Newsstand is officially released bythe Indonesian Bible Society, contains the Bible (New InternationalVersion) supplied free. It also can be obtained many bookspublished LAI can be selected according to our needs.Bible provided, presented in a way that is similar to when we readthrough the Bible printed version, is intended to make the wearerfeel comfortable and do not feel much difference by reading thathas been done so far:- Cover and look exactly the same as the print version- When opening the pages are very similar to the way the Bibleprinted version.For the latest version of the Bible LAI applications, it becomeseasier for users to access some things, such as:- Annotate :Allows users to mark or color the text that is being read. Thisfeature also allows users to add notes in the desired text in allthe books that have been downloaded.- Bookmarks :Allows users to directly use the table of contents as a shortcut toget directly to the page of book you want to read.- User Manual :Showing how to use these applications with maximum LAI. Manualguide also comes with pictures guide that allows users to instantlyaccess applications quickly.- Collection of books will continue to be updated as readingmaterial for the spiritual knowledge of Christianity andCatholicism or some other interesting stories.- Display pages can also be arranged in a position in Portrait andLandscape. When reading it if necessary, then the writing on thescreen can be enlarged to make it more clear. This is very usefulfor people who are elderly can read more comfortably.- Once the app is downloaded, no internet connection required forany reading of the Bible which have been included in this app. Sothe Bible or books that are available in this LAI applications canread where there anytime when needed.Suggestions, criticisms and questions contact orvisit our online support at
Tango Browser 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Tango Browser is an useful application for browsing, retrieving,presenting, and traversing any information resources on theinternet via Android tablet. Like any other browser, Tango iscreated to fill the information that human being need to be filled,in case of web page, image, video, other content related. It fast,it trusted and it safe for your importance.Tango web browser is compatible for Android devices, and ituseful to be used at any time, any place and any importance. Thisapplication is running under internet connection and will help theuser to find any related information about anything thatavailable.
UUD 1945
Mahoni Global, PT
Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik IndonesiaTahun 1945, atau lebih dikenal dengan UUD '45, adalah hukum dasartertulis atau basic law, yang juga merupakan konstitusipemerintahan negara Republik Indonesia saat ini. Di dalam UUD 1945,terdapat aturan dasar pembentukan negara Indonesia beserta susunanlembaga-lembaga dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia yangberlaku.Walaupun mengalami beberapa kali amandamen, setiap perubahan yangada dalam UUD '45 akan selalu menjadi dasar dari sistempemerintahan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Untuk itu, setiap anggotamasyarakat wajib tahu detil-detil yang berlaku dan yang sesuaidengan peraturan negara.Aplikasi UUD 1945 adalah buku digital dari buku Undang-Undang DasarNegara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yang bisa di akses denganlebih mudah dan praktis melalui tablet dan smartphone Android danbisa di unduh dengan gratis oleh siapa saja yang membutuhkaninformasi tentang setiap detil isi UUD '45 tersebut.Sebagai warna negara Indonesia yang baik, layaknya kita wajib tahutentang dasar pembentukan Undang-undang dasar negara kita, dan yangsekarang bisa diakses dengan lebih modern dan praktis.Constitution of theRepublic of Indonesia Year 1945, or better known as theConstitution of '45, is the basis of the written law or basic law,which is also the constitutional government of the Republic ofIndonesia today. In the 1945 Constitution, there are basic rules ofcomposition and their formation of the Indonesian stateinstitutions in the constitutional system of the Republic ofIndonesia applicable.Although having several times the amendment, any changes in theConstitution '45 will always be the basis of the prevailing systemof government in Indonesia. To that end, every member of thecommunity must know the details are valid and in accordance withstate regulations.Applications 1945 is a digital book of books the Constitution ofthe Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 which can be accessed moreeasily and practically through tablets and Android smartphones andcan be downloaded for free by anyone who needs detailed informationabout the contents of the Constitution every '45 The.As a good citizen of Indonesia, like we must know about the basicformation of the basic laws of our country, and which can now beaccessed with a more modern and practical.
Shoot N Share 1.4.1
Mahoni Global, PT
Shoot 'n Share is another cool and simple application, where we canshoot photo, edit and share to wherever we like to share. Thisapplication will enable us to make a fun, creative and pro-likephoto shoot by only editing instantly from the menu. Shoot n Sharewill give you the easy way to control over your photo editingprocess by as cool as you like.After done editing, the previous photo can be save to cameraroll and we can share it to the world. Either from email or socialmedia like Twitter and Facebook, the photo will be easily beenshare and show it up worldwide. As easy as it fun.Download it, Shoot it and Share it....
Buku Sekolah Digital
Mahoni Global, PT
Aplikasi Buku BSE ™,Aplikasi GRATIS Berisilebih dari 2000 Buku Sekolah Elektronik Untuk Seluruh Pelajar danGuru di Indonesia. Dilengkapi dengan Buku-buku Kurikulum2013..Buku Sekolah Elektronik atau dikenal dengan BSE adalah programinisiatif dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia yangbertujuan untuk menyediakan buku belajar elektronik untuk tingkatpendidikan dari SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK. Setiap buku yang dimasukkandalam BSE telah dibeli hak ciptanya secara resmi oleh DepartemenPendidikan Nasional dari penulis atau penerbit yang terkait, dandiubah dalam bentuk buku elektronik (ebook). Buku BSE sangatbermanfaat untuk masyarakat untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikanIndonesia.Aplikasi Buku BSE memiliki koleksi terlengkap buku-bukuKurikulum 2013, mulai dari SD, SMP, SMA hingga SMK. Koleksi bukupelajaran KTSP 2006 juga tersedia dan bisa diunduh oleh seluruhmasyarakat Indonesia. Total Aplikasi Buku BSE memiliki 2000 koleksibuku pelajaran yang siap untuk di download. Selain itu AplikasiBuku BSE juga dilengkapi dengan buku-buku umum, seperti Tesaurus,Kamus Bahasa Indonesia, dll. Tersedia juga buku-buku tentangpembelajaran Anti Korupsi yang disediakan oleh KPK (KomisiPemberantasan Korupsi) dan buku pemdidikan keuangan yang disediakanoleh BI (Bank Indonesia). Semua buku tersebut bebas untuk didownload secara gratis melalui senang & bangga bisa membantu program pemerintahuntuk ikut menyebarkan buku pelajaran sekolah gratis kepada 50 jutasiswa & 3 juta guru di seluruh Indonesia. Diharapkan dengankemajuan teknologi maka jutaan siswa & guru di Indonesia bisamendapatkan koleksi buku pelajaran sekolah yang lengkap &gratis. Sehingga kemampuan para siswa & guru diseluruhIndonesia akan meningkat dan bisa mengangkat Indonesia untukbersaing dengan negara lain dalam era globalisasi ini. Aplikasi BSEdisediakan bagi mereka yang membutuhkan buku-buku pelajaran dalambentuk digital yang praktis dan yang bisa diakses melalui tabletdan smartphone Android. Setiap buku yang ada dalam aplikasi inidisediakan secara lengkap sesuai kebutuhan dasar pendidikan danpelajaran Indonesia, dan yang memenuhi standard nasionalpendidikan.Aplikasi Buku BSE versi 4.0 hadir untuk memberikan kemudahanbagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dalam dunia pendidikan. Buku-bukuyang tersedia akan terus ditambah jumlahnya seiring dengandikeluarkannya buku-buku baru oleh pemerintah.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan tentang Aplikasi Buku BSE hubungiinfo@mahoni.comBooks BSE &trade;, FREE Applications Contains more than 2000 Electronic SchoolBook for All Students and Teachers in Indonesia. Equipped withBooks Curriculum 2013 ..Electronic School Book known as BSE is an initiative of theMinistry of National Education of Indonesia that aims to provide anelectronic study book for education level of elementary, juniorhigh, high school and vocational school. Each book included in BSEhas purchased the copyright officially by the Ministry of Educationof the author or publisher concerned, and converted in the form ofan electronic book (ebook). BSE is very useful book for people toimprove the quality of education in Indonesia.Books BSE has the most complete collection of booksCurriculum 2013, from elementary, junior high school to vocationalschool. Collection of textbooks SBC 2006 are also available and canbe downloaded by all Indonesian people. Total Books BSE has 2000collection of textbooks that are ready for download. AdditionallyBooks BSE is also equipped with general books, such as thesaurus,dictionary Indonesian, etc. There are also books on learningprovided by the Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) and the financialpemdidikan book provided by the BI (Bank Indonesia). All the bookis free to download for free via the pleased and proud to assist government programs tospread the free school textbooks to 50 million students and 3million teachers across Indonesia. It is expected that withadvances in technology that millions of students and teachers inIndonesia can get a collection of school textbooks were full &free. So the ability of students and teachers across Indonesia willincrease and could raise Indonesia to compete with the othercountries in the era of globalization. BSE is provided for thoseapplications that require textbooks in digital form that ispractical and can be accessed via tablet and Android smartphones.Each book contained in this application is provided in fullaccording to the needs of education and teaching basic Indonesia,and who meet the national standard of education.Books BSE version 4.0 is present to provide convenience forall Indonesian citizens in the world of education. The booksavailable will continue to be added along with the issuance amountof new books by the government.Suggestions, criticisms and questions about Books BSE
Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana
Mahoni Global, PT
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana atau KUHPadalah merupakan bagian hukum politik yang berlaku di Indonesia,dan terbagi menjadi dua bagian: hukum pidana materiil dan hukumpidana formil. Semua hal yang berkaitan dengan hukum pidanamateriil adalah tentang tindak pidana, pelaku tindak pidana danpidana (sanksi). Sedangkan, hukum pidana formil adalah hukum yangmengatur tentang pelaksanaan hukum pidana materiil. Downloadsekarang, GRATIS.Book of the CriminalJustice Act or the Criminal Code is a part of political law inforce in Indonesia, and is divided into two parts: substantivecriminal law and formal criminal law. All matters relating tosubstantive criminal law is about crime, criminals and criminal(sanctions). Meanwhile, formal criminal law is the law governingthe implementation of the substantive criminal law. Download Nowfor FREE.
ATourism-Flight Hotel & Travel 1.1
Mahoni Global, PT
Making a plan to go vacation is noweasier!ATourism - Best Deals Flights, Hotels, Cars & Travel isavailable to help you searching for the best accommodation duringyour trip, your best flights and event your best travel agents intown.ATourism - Best Deals Flights, Hotels, Cars &Travelapplication is an easy app to find the best hotels andaccommodation in all over the world. With more than 5 millionhotels in all over the world, this application will enable you tofind hotels in Asia, America, even in all over Europe.Moreover, not only hotel you can find, but also the flights andtravels agents that you need for all the preparation before trip isnow available in one application. By the scope has, you can find thousands of flights fromhundreds of airlines around the world every day and every time. Itcan be simply accessed via computer or smartphone/tablet that youhave. By accessing ATourism, it possible for you to see theschedule of planes that you want, and find the best flights tthatsuited for your importances. When you have found your desiredflight, ATourism will connect you to the related company or atravel agent, so that you can buy directly and get the best priceof it. All can be done minutes.Furthermore, By being supported by trusted brands such as:Hertz, Avis, Eurocar, Alamo, and other nbrands, ATourism providescar rentals from the affordable to the luxurious one. You can bookthe car over 6000 locations around the world, this helps you toprepare for your vacation/business trip so that all done well, tohave the greatest escape during your trip and you will find goodand safe car choices for your holiday.ATourism - Best Deals Flights, Hotels, Cars & Travelapplication is accessible for Android tablet andsmartphone.Download now and get ready for your sweet escape withATourism - Best Deals Flights, Hotels, Cars & TravelApplication.More information about this application contact or
Undang-Undang Perpajakan
Mahoni Global, PT
Undang-Undang Perpajakan merupakanUndang-undang yang mengatur segala hal yang berhubungan pajak diIndonesia, dimana segala sesuatunya mengatur tentang tata carapemungutan pajak, syarat pemungutan pajak, asas pemungutan pajakdan penerimaan pajak di Indonesia. Download sekarang, GRATIS.Tax Act is thelegislation that governs all things related taxes in Indonesia,where everything is set up on the procedures for tax collection,tax collection requirements, principle of taxation and tax revenuein Indonesia. Download Now for FREE.
UU Hukum Acara Pidana
Mahoni Global, PT
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana atauKUHAP adalah hukum yang mengatur tentang tata cara beracara ataudalam hal berperkara di badan peradilan, yang menjadi bagian dalamlingkup hukum pidana, dimana telah diatur dalam UU nomor 8 tahun1981. Sekarang bisa di download gratis dari tablet & smartphoneAndroid.The Code of CriminalProcedure Code or the Criminal Procedure Code is the law thatgoverns the procedures for the hearing or in the case of litigantsin the judiciary, which became part of the scope of the criminallaw, which has been regulated in Law Number 8 of 1981. Now can bedownloaded for free from Android tablets and smartphones.
Hukum Perdata
Mahoni Global, PT
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata adalah kitabundang-undang yang di buat sejak tahun 1847 oleh pemerintahkolonial Belanda. Kitab ini telah mengalami beberapa perubahan danmemuat segala hal peraturan perundang-undangan, seperti tanah,warisan, rumah tangga, sewa- menyewa, surat pembuktian dankadaluarsa, sanksi dll. Sekarang bisa di download gratis daritablet & smartphone Android.Code of Civil Law is thebook of the law that created since 1847 by the Dutch colonialgovernment. This book has undergone several changes and includesall terms of legislation, such as land, heritage, home, lease,letter of verification and expired, sanctions etc.. Now can bedownloaded for free from Android tablets and smartphones.
Majalah Chip
Mahoni Global, PT
CHIP merupakan majalah komputer berbasisteknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi yang menyajikan informasiaktual, review, wawancara, tips & trik, tes individu dan tesperbandingan baik software maupun hardware, serta pengujian yangdidukung dengan laboratorium dan indikator yang terpercaya. Saatini, CHIP telah dilengkapi dengan platform digital CHIPTVCHIP is a computermagazine based technologies, information, and communication thatpresents actual information, reviews, interviews, tips &tricks, individual tests and test comparison of both software andhardware, as well as testing laboratories and supported by reliableindicators. Currently, CHIP has been equipped with a digitalplatform and CHIPTV
Orangutan - Indonesia 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Orangutan, is one of Asian species of extant great Apes. InAsia, we can found it in Malaysia and Indonesia. Especially inIndonesia, it can be found in the rain forest only, like inKalimantan or Borneo and Sumatra.Being the most intelligent primates makes Orangutan special tobe continually explored and protected. Hence, there are someshelters in Indonesia that facilitate the existence of Orangutan,to make them save and live properly in their habitats.In Borneo for instance, there are some places to rescueOrangutan, and there is National Park, called Tanjung Puting thatbeen made for the home of Orangutan and other endemic flora andfauna.Furthermore, this Orangutan - Indonesia Application will showyou the glance of Orangutan in their home and other beautifulthings around them.Pictures in High Definition are available, including thedescription and other valuable information related to the place,the Orangutan and else.This is FREE application, and you can access it into yourgadget, to get acquaintance with the majestic creature ofOrangutan. Download now.Fore detail information related to the
Indo Tourism 1.1.2
Mahoni Global, PT
Dear Users,Together with this notification, We would like to announce thatsince April, 1st 2015 this application is no longer active. Theupdated version of Indonesia Tourism Forum application can be freedownloaded or can be found at Pengguna Aplikasi,Bersamaan dengan pemberitahuan yang kami tampilkan ini, kamimenginfokan bahwa sejak 1 April 2015, aplikasi ini sudah tidakaktif. Versi terbaru dari aplikasi Indonesia Tourism Forum bisa didalam dan di download gratis di information please contact or
Bromo Semeru National Park 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is aNational Park in East Java Province, Indonesia. This National Parkis part of the administrative area of Pasuruan Regency, MalangRegency, Lumajang Regency andProbolinggo Regency. This Park wassettled since 1982, but it already protected since 1919, withcovers a total area of 5,250 hectares at an altitude of about 2,100m.Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is the only conservation areain Indonesia that having sand sea, most people in Indonesia call asLautan Pasir Tengger. This area is lies acrros the caldera of anancient volcano mountain of Tengger, from which four new volcaniccones emerged.In this Park, there is the highest mountain in Java, SemeruMountain; the famous mount of Bromo and there is four lakes and 50rivers. Others are also become the interesting to be visited, like;Mount Batok, Mount Kursi, Mount Watangan, Mount Widodaren. Thelakes that recognize are, Ranu Pane,Ranu Regulo, Ranu Kumbolo andRanu Darungan.Before seeing those magnificent beauty, Bromo Tengger SemeruNational Park application will show you the detail informationabout tourism objects, how to get there and it completed with highresolution pictures related to each objects.Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Application can be freedownloaded in Google Play and it can be accessed via AndroidSmartphone and Android Tablet.The humble Tengger people now will welcome you and Bromo &Semeru Mountain will enchanted you by its beauty.
Search Hotel Indonesia 1.1
Mahoni Global, PT
Finding your ideal stay during trip orvacation is no longer a big deal. Just click in your tablet andfind it in Search Hotel Application.Search Hotel Application is enable the users to find perfectstay along their business trip, vacation or just friendly visit tofriends or relatives. Find your perfect deal, related prices,facilities, location and many things that close to your importance.Everything is just in your tip of your finger. One quick and easyto search.Search Hotel Application enable to find hotels, home-stay orbudget hotels near your location at any time and any where, withvariant choices that can be pick according to your budget andinterest.This application is also capable to show short descriptions,pictures, the hotel facilities and best prices offered. A clear andeasy to use interface for your best stay, can be found only onSearch Hotel Application.
East Java Insight 1.3.1
Mahoni Global, PT
East Java Insight is an application thatcontain of East Java tourism objects in photography. All photos aretaken from the official site and become the official pictures forEast Java Tourism Board. Here we can find any tourism objects inEast Java; there are mountains, waterfalls, lakes, forests,recreational places, traditional foods and more.East Java Insight is a free application and it needs Internetconnection to load the pictures. Enjoy the pictures of East Javawhile prepare yourself to go to each tourism object thatavailable.
Travel Fotografi
Mahoni Global, PT
Travel Fotografi adalah digital newsstandresmi dari majalah Travel Fotografi. Majalah mengenai destinasitravel dan tempat-tempat menarik untuk berburu foto terbaik.Panduan yang membahas mengenai beragam tip fotografi dan travelinghingga gears terkini yang cocok untuk jadi teman perjalanan. Ikutiberita seputar dunia traveling di versi Photography is adigital newsstand official of the magazine Travel Photography.Magazine about travel destinations and places of interest to huntfor the best photo. Guide which discusses a variety of tipphotography and traveling up to date suitable gears to become atraveling companion. Follow news about traveling the world in itsonline version:
Discover Ijen Craters 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
One Stop Information Apps About Ijen Crater.Download Now to get your personal Guide To IjenIjen is the complex of volcanic area, which there is a crater ofIjen and its plateu. Ijen is located in three part of regencies,which in Situbondo, Bondowoso, and Banyuwangi, East Java. Thisvolcanic area become the most incredible and surreal volcanic areain East Java.In this volcanic mountain, there is also the sulfur mining,regarding that the mountain is still active and produce the naturesulfur. In here, we can see the sulfur miners that collect andcarry huge loads of pure sulfur up from the crater floor along asteep, rocky path in the middle of clouds of sulfur dioxide gas.They did it as their living hood. Particularly, Ijen volcanicmountain is consider as the home to the largest lake of sulfuricacid in the world.Ijen volcanic area is lies to west of Merapi Mountain. Thecrater is having a wide turquoise colored acid lake that rich insulfur. The dramatic nuance can be seen around this marvelous toscalake.Before getting to the gigantic turquoise crater lake of Ijen,Ijen Crater Application will show the details information relatedto the tourism object, the dos and don'ts, how to get there andother detail info.Download Ijen Crater App now, and see the magnificent Ijentourism in details and pictures are available in highresolutions.
Amazing Bawean Island 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Bawean is an Island that administratively part of Gresik Regency,East Java. It approximately located in 150Km north of Surabaya.Bawean is dominated by an extinct volcano at its center that risesto 655 m above sea level. It is divided into 2 districts, which isSangkapura and Tambak. Bawean has rich potentials in nature,especially the islands and there is endemic species, which isBawean Deer. Along with the potential in nature resources, Baweanis also rich by its tourism development. There are manydestinations that popularly visited by both local or outsideGresik. Kastoba Lake, Noko Gili Island, Noko Selayar Island,Tanjung Gaang and many more is one of those magnificentdestinations in Bawean. Amazing Bawean Island application is nowavailable to give review and guidance about those tourismdestinations. Completed by high resolution pictures and shortdescription, this application will show you the beauty of BaweanIsland in glance before you pack your bag pack. For more info aboutthis app:
Wonderful Situbondo 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Welcome To SitubondoThe little Africa in Java LandDownload NOW, for FREE application. Get to know aboutSitubondo and the wild life of Baluran National ParkIt is Wonderful Situbondo app, that show you the glance ofSitubondo in particular. This app will shows some of populardestinations with its description and the real photo from eachplaces. Find out everything inside Situbondo; the nature, theculture and related information about it.Situbondo is one of regencies in East Java, Indonesia. It lieson eastern side of Java island, just sitting next to Banyuwangiregency. This small city is rich in natural resource and popular byattractive culture and also yummy dishes.Looking at the natural resource, Situbondo has plenty ofofferings for those who love wild life, wave chaser or hikinglover. Baluran National Park is one of the hidden treasures thatwaited to be reveal. Here, there is Baluran mountain, ArgopuroMountain, Rengganis Peak, Bekol Savanna, Cikasur Savanna and somerelated spots before getting to the peak of the Mountain. Situbondois also having some popular beaches like Bama Beach, Pasir PutihBeach, Tampora beach, Pathek beach and many more. Thosedestinations are all settled into one application, just before youheading the real places.Every pictures in Wonderful Situbondo app is taken from realobject, with High Definition pictures. Those will bring you tositubondo before you heading to the real places. This applicationwill give clearance about Situbondo and it can be practicallyaccessed in your smarphone and computer tablet.More info about Wonderful Situbondo application, please or contact
Indonesia Tourism Forum 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Indonesia Tourism Forum is anapplication for Indonesia destinations forum, which can loadanything related to tourism destinations in every corner ofIndonesia. This is an online application that always been updateddaily, and there will be new comer members who want to share thebeauty of Indonesia, or those who want to make trip to Indonesia.Every articles and writings are completed by the picturesrelated to the objects. Here, you can find any recommendation forsome favorite places that suit for your holidays, tracking or evenhoneymoon.There will be tips and knowledge about many things related tothe destination, like the area, the local people, the tradition,the dos and don'ts for visitors safety trips.Download Indonesia Tourism Forum Application for FREEfrom your Android tablet and smartphone and you can bring it whileyou have your journey to Indonesia.
Exotica South Sumatra 1.2
Mahoni Global, PT
An Official Application From South Sumatra Tourism & CultureDepartment Exotica South Sumatra App An Application that shows thebeauty culture of a paradise over the highland South Sumatra issituated on the eastern side of Bukit Barisan mountain range, andit lies on the right side of Great Musi River, along 60 Km.Palembang is the capital city and the gateway to entrance theprovince. As one of historical cities at the nation, South Sumatrawas become part of Buddhist Sriwijaya Empire around 7th centuryago. The reign of Buddhist empire was finally replaced by the HinduMajapahit Empire, that reign the area until 16th Century. Itcontinues by Muslim kingdom, that later becomes a sultanate, whichwas established at Palembang around 1500. South Sumatra has numbersof potential destinations over the highlands, the waterfalls, therivers and the culture. The cultures is South Sumatra are rich andmostly popular all over the nation. We know Kain Songket, thatinternationally known as one of Indonesia's traditional wovenfabric. We also know Pempek, one of signature dishes fromPalembang, that already spread outside the region. Do not forgetwith the historical background, those historical stories bringnumbers of cultural heritages that worth to be explored. Thosediversities and potential products from South Sumatra is now can beseen only on your gadget. It is Exotica South Sumatra applicationthat will accommodate the detail information, related to tourismobjects and cultural diversities. Inside the Exotica South Sumatraapplication there will be categories that showing the richnessamong the cultures, natures, culinary and anything more that SouthSumatra has. Download now for FREE application and see how exoticSouth Sumatra is.
50 Resep Nasi Goreng Lite
Mahoni Global, PT
Download Sekarang di Google Play Untuk 5Resep FREE!!Tersedia lima halaman full color, dengan resep yang sama sehat,nikmat dan mudah diikuti50 Resep Nasi Goreng, sebuah aplikasi resep pertama dari Mahoni.comyang pernah berhasil menjadi aplikasi paling laris di App Store(iPad dan iPhone), kini bisa di dapat di Android, dengan berisi 50resep nasi goreng yang siap dihidangkan.Setiap resep yang ada dalam aplikasi telah di ujicobasebelumnya, dan dilengkapi dengan gambar hasil akhir masakan denganresolusi tinggi, colorful dan mudah diikuti.Memasak nasi goreng kini semakin menyenangkan dengan 50 varianmenu yang sehat, lezat dan bervariatif. Setiap menu yang ada bisadibuat dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang mudah di dapat, dan bisadiikuti bahkan oleh mereka yang baru belajar memasak.50 Resep Nasi Goreng dilengkapi dengan keterangan bahan-bahan,cara membuat dan hasil akhir masakan. Semua di deskripsikan denganjelas dan mudah dimengerti.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan hubungi atau kunjungiwww.mahoni.comDownload Now on GooglePlay 5 Recipes For FREE !!There are five pages of full color, with the same recipe healthy,delicious and easy to follow50 Fried Rice recipe, a recipe first application of whonever managed to become the best-selling app in the App Store (iPadand iPhone), can now be on Android, contains 50 recipes with friedrice ready to serve.Each recipe is in the application has been in previoustrials, and is equipped with the end result images with highresolution cuisine, colorful and easy to follow.Cook fried rice is now more fun with 50 variants of the menuis healthy, tasty and varied. Each menu can be made using simplematerials in the can, and can be followed even by those who arejust learning to cook.50 Fried Rice Recipe equipped with information materials, andhow to make the final result cuisine. All described with clear andeasy to understand.Suggestions, criticisms and questions please call or
Scientific Calculator 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Mahoni Calculator is a digital calculator forAndroid that will enable the user to count, to sum, to divide anddoing related counting. It simple and easy to use, while in themiddle of meeting, buying something or calculating the importantfinancial and mathematical works.Mahoni Calculator has features:Simple and easy interfaceDisplay both the equation and the results at the same timeSupport scientific functionsEasily editing back and forthSuitable for students, indoor and outdoor worker or everhousewifeEnjoy calculating, Enjoy Mahoni Calculator
Quick Note+ 1.1
Mahoni Global, PT
This application is enable the user to attachthe note into email and it can be modify as needed like erase, editand save; it also becomes the plus thing that can easier to run thenote. Quick Note+ is a standard application that being used inAndroid, and it sorts by save data. This will be continually updatein times and will be more fun and enjoyable to express your idea,thought and creativity.For any notes that have been made before can be edited in othertime and it can load for more notes that possibly made. This easyway to create note by Quick Note+ application will be counter theday to express any idea into smart words in your tablet and phone.It smart, it simple yet it fast.
30 Best Soup Recipes
Everyone agree that soup can warm our body andmake our soul feeling comfortable and relax. Talking about soup, itis directly referred to a bowl of vegetable, meat and broth orcream and delicate dressing. Soup is can also be divine as foodsthat use boiling system. This boiling is already invented since6000 BC, after the founding of leak-proof container, such aspottery or thick skin animals.The word soup was coming from the term of Sope or Soupe inFrance, and it became Sop in English version, which means the breadthat dipped in sauce. Looking at the terminology, soup is referringto the bread, not the sauce dipping. Hence, this is also drive thefact that in almost every soup there will be bread as thecondiment.Basically, soup is divided into 2 parts, which is thick soupthat using cream, milk or even coconut milk. And, clear soup thatusing broth, like chicken, seafood and meat broth. As the time goesby, soup has its own creations and modification based on the tasteand innovation.European is like soup in creamy and thick texture and it mostlyusing bread as condiment. While, Asian is like thin soup and ituses broth for their soup. Moreover, Asian soup is always spicy andrich of ingredients like Tom Yam soup from Thailand which has sourand spicy taste; or Lodeh from Indonesia that use raw jack fruit asmain ingredient and use coconut milk for the sauce.American believe that soup is a natural healer for influenza,and we are agree that soup which made by sincere and love canwarming the soul and relaxing mind. This philosophy is like alovely mother who gives love to the children.Therefore, this Asian Recipes : 30 Soup Cooking Recipes isdedicated to those who want to serve happiness and warm in thebowl.Why waiting for best healthy and yummy soup recipes.Download Now!!!Need more information about this application, don't hesitate tocontact us at info@mahoni.comor visit
MCI Forums 1.8.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Mac Club Indonesia, adalah satu komunitasberkumpulnya para pecinta dan pengguna Apple dengan semua productyang terkait. Komunitas ini terbentuk sejak 2002, tersebar diseluruh Indonesia dan bahkan di luar negeri.Dengan eksistensi yang gemilang sejak dari tahun berdirinya, MacClub Indonesia telah memiliki lebih dari 100.000 anggota terdaftaryang masih aktif.Dalam forum ini, selain para pengguna dan pecinta product Applebisa bertemu, para anggota juga bisa saling bertukar informasiterkait dengan perkembangan terbaru dari produk-produk Apple. Semuainformasi itu bisa berupa kabar terbaru tentang produk Apple; iMac,Macbook, Apple Service Center, Dealer Apple, software, artikel,tips dan trick, bahkan forum jual beli untuk mereka yangmembutuhkan produk Apple yang baru ataupun bekas.Semua informasi bisa di dapat dengan lengkap dari harga produkterbaru, harga produk second, lokasi Apple Store, aksesoris produkatau bahkan forum tawar menawar. Semua informasi yang sulit didapat dari tempat lain bisa di dapat di forum ini, dengan hanyamenjadi anggota.Aplikasi untuk Iphone & Ipod Touch (juga bisa dipakai untukIpad) ini adalah gratis bisa di download oleh siapapun. Aplikasiini memaksimalkan ukuran layar yang lebih kecil sehingga memudahkanpengunjung untuk membaca & posting di forum Mac ClubIndonesiaDengan MCI Mobile, anda bisa mengakses MacClubIndonesia.comforums langsung dari Iphone/Ipod Touch/Ipad.- Kirim dan terima pesan pribadi- Akses & Posting ke forum diskusi- Baca artikels- Melihat MCI Profiles- Mengubah setting account and a dimana saja & kapan saja
Toko Buku
Mahoni Global, PT
Aplikasi Toko Buku™ adalah sebuah aplikasiyang berisi kumpulan buku-buku digital dengan berbagai tema pilihanbacaan. Aplikasi Toko Buku merupakan aplikasi yang mengisyaratkankepraktisan dan kemudahan dalam membeli dan membaca buku secaramodern, terjangkau dan bisa menyimpan begitu banyak buku dalam satuteknologi.Kami percaya bahwa kehadiran buku konvensional akan tetapmenjadi produk yang akan terus ada, tapi kami lebih percaya bahwabuku elektronik akan semakin berkembang dengan seiringnya waktu.Hal ini bisa dibuktikan, bahwa dengan menggunakan buku elektronik,biaya produksi dan harga jualnya yang akan jauh lebih terjangkaudari sebuah buku cetak.Aplikasi Toko Buku™ bisa di download secara gratis di computertablet dan smartphone yang menggunakan system operasi Android.Aplikasi Toko Buku™ siap menampung dan menjual berbagai karya daripenulis atau penerbit yang ingin mempromosikan tulisan merekasecara digital, dan bisa di download di Play Store sehingga bisadiakses dengan mudah kapanpun dan dimanapun.Selain jenis buku yang bervariasi dengan jumlah yang besar,Aplikasi Toko Buku dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur menarik yang bisamembuat kamu semakin nyaman membaca buku kesayanganmu. Berikutfitur-fitur aplikasi Toko Buku™.→ Mudah diakses→ Bisa dibaca dimana saja dan kapan saja→ Ringkas & Praktis, mampu menampung banyak buku dalam satugadget→ Dilengkapi dengan Notes, sehingga kamu bisa langsung menuliskanide-idemu meskipun sedang asik membaca buku→ Dilengkapi dengan Browser. Butuh akses internet selagi asikmembaca buku, gunakan saja fitur ini, praktis. Dibutuhkan koneksiInternet saat menggunakannya→ Bookmarks, untuk menandai halaman yang belum dibaca atau yangpenting.→ Memuat banyak buku-buku bermutu dengan berbagai genre→ Harga yang sangat terjangkau dan bahkan GRATIS→ Share, memungkinkan untuk mengirim buku yang dibaca melaluiemail, Twitter, Facebook, dllTak berhenti sampai di situ saja, Aplikasi Toko Buku™ akan terusdikembangankan dengan fitur-fitur terbaru lainnya yang akan semakinmembuat anda betah berlama-lama membaca buku kesayangan anda.Raih Kesempatan Untuk Menerbitkan Buku Dengan Mudah!Aplikasi Toko Buku™ juga akan menampung dan menjual berbagai karyadari penulis yang ingin mempromosikan karya mereka secara digital,dan bisa di download di Google Play dengan mudah dan sederhana.Untuk itu, developer mengundang, mengajak dan memberifasilitas bagi mereka penerbit buku besar atau personal yang inginmenerbitkan hasil tulisan mereka dalam bentuk digital, untukbergabung bersama akan menerima dan menyeleksi berbagai bahan tulisanuntuk buku yang sudah pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, atau buku barudengan berbagai tema untuk diterbitkan menjadi buku digital, dandijual melalui aplikasi Toko Buku™ untuk Android. Mahoni.comberharap, dengan adanya aplikasi ini, bisa membantu mereka yangingin menerbitkan hasil karya mereka dengan lebih mudah dan denganhasil terbaik.Satu aplikasi untuk banyak kemudahan, wawasan dan peluang untukmenerbitkan buku anda sendiri. Download Sekarang!Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan mengenai Aplikasi Toko Buku™ hubungiCustomer Support kami di atau kunjungi forum kamidi Bookstore& trade; is an application that contains a collection ofdigital books with different themes reading selection. Bookstoreapp is an application that suggests practicality and ease of buyingand reading books in a modern, affordable and can save so manybooks in one technology.We believe that the presence of a conventional book willremain a product that will continue to exist, but we believe thatelectronic books will be growing with time seiringnya. This can beproved, that using electronic books, the production cost and theselling price will be much more affordable than a printedbook.Applications Bookstore & trade; can be downloaded forfree on the computer tablet and smartphones that use the Androidoperating system. Applications Bookstore & trade; ready toaccommodate and sell the works of authors or publishers who wish topromote their writing digitally, and can be downloaded from thePlay Store so that it can be easily accessed anytime,anywhere.In addition to the types of books that vary by large amounts,Applications Bookstore equipped with interesting features that canmake you more comfortable reading your beloved. The followingapplication features Bookstore & trade ;.& Rarr; Easy to access& Rarr; Can be read anywhere and anytime& Rarr; Concise and practical, able to accommodate many booksin one gadget& Rarr; Equipped with Notes, so you can immediately write downyour ideas despite being cool to read a book& Rarr; Equipped with a browser. Need Internet access whilecool to read a book, use this feature, practically. Internetconnection is required when using& Rarr; Bookmarks, to mark pages unread or important.& Rarr; Contains many quality books in various genres& Rarr; The prices were very affordable and even FREE& Rarr; Share, allows to send books read via email, Twitter,Facebook, etc.Do not stop at that, Applications Bookstore & trade; willcontinue dikembangankan with other new features that will let youlinger to read your favorite book.Earn Chance To Publish Book With Ease!Applications Bookstore & trade; will also accommodate and sellthe works of authors who want to promote their work digitally, andcan be downloaded on Google Play is easy and simple. For that,developers invite, encourage and provide facilities totheir major book publishers or personal who wanted to publish theresults of their writing in digital form, to join will receive and select a wide range of material forbooks that have been published earlier, or a new book with avariety of themes to be published digital books, and sold throughthe application Bookstore & trade; for Android. Mahoni.comhopes, through this application, can help those who want to publishtheir work more easily and with the best results.One app for a lot of convenience, insights and opportunities topublish your own book. Download Now!Suggestions, criticisms and questions regarding applicationsBookstore & trade; please contact our Customer Support or visit our forum at
30 Kreasi Telur Favorit
Telur, adalah bahan makanan wajib yang harusselalu ada di dapur, sebagai bahan makanan terpraktis yang bisadimasak.Selain praktis, membuat hidangan berbahan dasar telur juga bisadijadikan kreasi masakan lezat, lepas dari telor mata sapi atautelur dadar biasa. Selama ini banyak orang mengandalkan telursebagai bahan aman saat sudah tidak ada bahan makanan lain untukmenciptakan satu kreasi masakan baru yang lezat.Padahal, dari bahan sederhana ini bisa tercipta berbagai variasimasakan baru dengan bahan telur sebagai bahan utamannya. Ditambahlagi, masakan-masakan ini pula bisa di hidangkan pada acara semiresmi selain hanya untuk makan pagi dan teman makan mie instan.Resep Kreasi Telur adalah resep terbaru dari yangmenampilkan 30 resep praktis untuk hidangan berbahan dasar telur.Buku digital ini dilengkapi dengan gambar pendukung beresolusitinggi yang menampilkan hasil masakan dan detail resep di setiapmasakan.Semua resep telah di uji sebelumnya dan sangat mudah untukdiaplikasikan di dapur masing-masing. Begitu sederhana untuk hasilyang luar biasa.Eggs, is a mandatory foodingredients that must always be in the kitchen, as the mostpractical food ingredients that can be cooked.In addition to practical, making egg-based dishes can also servedelicious food creations, separated from the egg of a cow or aplain omelet. During this time many people rely on eggs as a safematerial when there is no other food ingredients to create adelicious new food creations.In fact, from simple ingredients can create a wide variety ofnew dishes with ingredients utamannya eggs as ingredients. Plus,these dishes can also serve in a semi formal event other than justfor breakfast and eat instant noodles friends.Recipes Egg Creations is the latest recipes from Mahoni.comfeaturing 30 practical recipes for egg-based dishes. Digital bookis equipped with high-resolution images supporter featuring thecuisine and recipes detail in every dish.All recipes have been tested previously and is very easy to beapplied in each kitchen. So simple for outstanding results.
30 Kreasi Sup Lezat Lite
Mahoni Global, PT
Download Sekarang & dapatkan lima resepvarian sup yang lezat dan sehat bagi keluarga, FREE!Aplikasi Resep Sup Lezat, buku resep digital yang siap memanduuntuk menghidangkan sup yang hangat dan lezat untuk keluarga.Dikala hujan dan dingin, sup adalah hidangan terbaik penghangattubuh. Saat cuaca panas pun, makanan berkuah akan menjadi pilihanyang menyegarkan. Sup kental atau bening, akan menjadi pillihanmenu yang tak pernah salah.Aplikasi Resep Sup Lezat memberikan 30 menu pilihan dengan menusup yang bervariasi dan sehat untuk dihidangkan di setiapwaktu.Setiap resep yang terdapat dalam aplikasi telah di uji cobasebelumnya, dan diuraikan dengan detail, mudah diikuti danmenggunakan bahan-bahan yang mudah di cari. Selain itu, setiapresep dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar beresolusi tinggi, denganwarna-warna yang atraktif dan penjelasan yang mudah dimengerti.Download Aplikasi Resep Sup Lezat sekarang dan hidangkanwarna-warni 30 resep sup yang sehat dan lezat untuk keluargatercinta.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan hubungi atau kunjungiwww.mahoni.comDownload Now and getfive variants soup recipe that is delicious and healthy forfamilies, FREE!Applications Delicious Recipes Soups, digital recipe book that isready to guide you to serve a warm and delicious soup for thefamily.Dikala rain and cold, soup is the best dish of the bodywarmers. When the weather is too hot, fry the food would be arefreshing option. Pottage or nodes, will be pillihan menu neverwrong.Delicious Recipes Soups application provides 30 menu choiceswith menus are varied and healthy soup to be served at anytime.Each recipe contained in the application has been testedbefore, and described in detail, easy to follow and use materialsthat are easy on search. In addition, each recipe comes withhigh-resolution images, the colors are attractive and easy tounderstand explanation.Download the app now and Delicious Recipes Soups colorfulserve 30 healthy soup recipes and delicious for your belovedfamily.Suggestions, criticisms and questions please call or
Iklan Pos 1.1
Mahoni Global, PT
Adalah sebuah Brand Launcher resmi dari IklanPos, digital newsstand ini akan memuat berita terbaru seputarpersoalan bisnis, usaha, event terbaru dan issue yang sedang marakdibicarakan di Indonesia atau pun dunia.Iklan Pos bisa dibaca layaknya majalah digital, dan akan terbitsetiap bulan melalui aplikasi Majalah Indonesia untuk Android dandapat diakses melalui Android smartphone dan Android Tablet.Dapatkan berita terbaru dari majalah Iklan Pos, download gratisaplikasi Majalah Indonesia dan ketahui berita terupdate yang saatini sedang terjadi.Brand Launcher is anofficial of the Ad Post, digital newsstand will include the latestnews about the business issues, business, latest events andemerging issues discussed in Indonesia or even the world.Post ad could be read like a digital magazine, and will bepublished every month through Indonesia Magazine for Androidapplications and can be accessed via Android smartphones andAndroid tablets.Get the latest news from the magazine Ad Post, download freeapplications Magazine Indonesia and updated news to know that whilethis is going.
Visit Madura Island -Indonesia 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Settled on northeastern coast of Java, MaduraIsland is administratively part of East Java province with morethan 3 million people inside the Island. Administratively, Madurais divided into 4 regencies, which is Sampang, Sumenep, Bangkalanand Pamekasan. Those regencies are having the same color of culturebut there are some particular uniqueness in every inches of thearea.Looking at the diversity of the people and culture inside those4 regencies, Madura Island is also worth to be explored in case ofthe nature resources, culture diversities, potential products andmany more.Visit Madura Island Application will guide you to find somethingincredible inside Madura. There will be descriptions, highresolution pictures that show some destinations inside the island,information about accommodation and any related things aboutMadura.Download Visit Madura Island application and get your pack tothis exotic island, find out the indigenous, taste the local foodand say hi to the Madurese around you.More information about Visit Madura Island application, pleasecontact orvisit
30 Resep Kreasi Kentang
Kentang, siapa yang tidak mengenalbahanmakanan dengan sumber karbohidrat yang tinggi dan kaya seratini.Pada sebagian besar negara-negara di Barat banyakmenggunakankentang sebagai asupan karbohidrat pengganti nasi dalamsajianmakan mereka, sedangkan untuk bangsa-bangsa agraris sepertiAsia,beras atau nasi lah yang banyak dikonsumsi sebagaisumberkarbohidrat utama.Lepas dari perkedel kentang atau sambal goreng kentang,tidakbanyak yang mengetahui bahwa kentang ternyata bisadikreasikanmenjadi olahan makanan yang tak kalah enak danbervariasi. Darimenu yang sederhana hingga menjadi jamuan kelasrestaurant mewah,kentang bisa dikreasikan menjadi sesuatu yangberbeda untuk sajianmakan keluarga anda.30 Resep Kreasi Kentang dari, adalah karyaterbaruyang bisa di download dari Google Play dan bisa dijadikaninpirasidalam menu masakan anda. Setiap resep dalam kumpulan olahankentangini telah di uji coba sebelumnya dan dilengkapi dengan 30gambarberesolusi tinggi dan panduan memasak yang jelas danringkas.Jangan lewatkan 30 Resep Kreasi Kentang ini, dan segeradownloaddi gadget Android anda. Sekarang... !Potatoes, who doesnotknow the source of foodstuffs with high carbohydrate and richinfiber. In most countries in the West are using potatoes asacarbohydrate substitute for rice in dish eat them, whereasforagricultural nations such as Asia, rice or rice was widelyconsumedas a major source of carbohydrates.Regardless of sambal fried potato cakes or potatoes, notmanypeople know that potatoes could actually be processedfooddikreasikan no less tasty and varied. From the menu that issimpleto become a luxury restaurant banquet class, potatoescandikreasikan be something different for your family mealdish.30 Potato Recipe Creation of, is the latest workwhichcan be downloaded from Google Play and can be used asinspiration inyour cooking menu. Each recipe in the collection ofprocessed potatohas been in previous trials and is equipped with30 high-resolutionimages and cooking guide is clear andconcise.Do not miss this 30 Potato Recipe Creations, andimmediatelydownload on your Android gadgets. The Current ...!
Potato Recipes
Potato, is one of carb main source thathighlyrich of fiber and vitamin. In some countries, potato is themaincarb as a substitute of rice in their menus. Meanwhile, inagrariancountries like Asia, they often use rice as the maincarbingredient.Instead of becomes mash potato or French fries, there are alotof variant menus that we can make based on potatoingredient.Furthermore, those variants will be tastier and spicyfor it cooksbased on Asian taste that rich of spices.Taken from the simple dish, these potato recipes willmakedifferent taste of potato that can be presented for familyandevents.Hence, this 30 Asian Potato Creations application willinspireyou more to get knowledge how to create dishes, based onpotatoingredient. Every detail recipes in this application iscompletedby high resolution pictures and it already testedbefore.Download now and get the easiest way to cook potatoes insomedifferent variants to be shared to your beloved familiesandfriends.Need more information about this application, don't hesitatetocontact us at info@mahoni.comor
Mahoni Global, PT
Intisari, Smart and Inspiring.Sebuah kualitas media ditentukan oleh pasar pembacanyadenganwaktu yang akan membuktikan apakah dia layak untuk terusterbit dandi cari pembacanya. Majalah Intisari telah membuktikandiri selamalebih dari empat dasawarsa sejak edisi perdananya padatanggal 17Agustus 1963. Hadir setiap bulan menampilkan beragamtulisanilmiah, kesehatan, wisata, teknologi, cukilan buku,ceritakriminal, cuplikan kata-kata bijak dan artikel pilihanlainnya.Mengikuti kemajuan di era modern ini, majalah sudah dapatdibacasecara digital, sehingga tidak perlu lagi menggunakankertas,karenasangat efisien, dan juga ramah lingkungan. Mahoni.comtelahmengembangkan aplikasi baru untuk mempermudah membacamajalahsecara digital yaitu Aplikasi Majalah Intisari. AplikasiMajalahIntisari adalah gerai majalah digital yang mengulas berbagaihalberkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, dan yang menginspirasikitaakan banyak hal seperti seputar hal-hal kriminal,teknologi,politik, dan berita sehari hari yang layak untukdikonsumsi.Sama dengan edisi cetaknya, pada aplikasi berbasis newsstandini,Intisari pun memberikan tampilan layaknya majalah dalambentukdigital. Fitur-fitur yang ada di dalam nya pun dilengkapidenganartikel yang lengkap dengan gambar yang lebih jernih. Saattidakada koneksi internet pun, majalah yang sudah di downloadtetapdapat dibaca. Sehingga sangat mudah dan efisien. AplikasiIntisaridapat di download secara gratis dan kini dapat di aksesmelaluiFitur Android.Majalah Intisari, majalah cerdas yang menginspirasikan banyakhaltentang hidup.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan mengenai aplikasi MajalahIntisariini silahkan hubungi ataukunjungiwww.mahoni.comDigest, SmartandInspiring.A media quality is determined by the market readers withtimewill prove whether he deserves to continue to rise andfindreaders. Essence Magazine has proved itself for more thanfourdecades since its first edition on August 17, 1963. Publishedeverymonth featuring a variety of scientific literature, health,travel,technology, depicting the book, a crime story, footage wisewordsand articles other options.Following the progress in this modern era, the magazinecanalready be read digitally, eliminating the need to usepaper,because it is very efficient, and has developed new applications to facilitatereadingmagazines digitally ie Applications Essence Magazine.ApplicationsEssence Magazine is a digital magazine outlets toreview variousmatters relating to daily life, and that inspires usto be a lot ofthings like about criminal matters, technology,politics, and dailynews worthy for consumption.Same with the print edition, on this newsstandbasedapplications, Digest also provides the display shows themagazinein digital form. Features that exist in the article wasalsoequipped with a complete with a clearer picture. When there isnointernet connection yet, magazines that have been downloadedstillbe readable. So it is very easy and efficient.HighlightsApplications can be downloaded for free and can now beaccessed viathe Android features.Essence Magazine, intelligent magazine that inspired a lotofthings about life.Suggestions, criticisms and questions regardingthisapplication please contact Essence Magazine info@mahoni.comorvisit
30 Kreasi Sup Lezat
Bila berbicara tentang sup, makanan yangsatuini pasti identik dengan makanan berkuah dan hangat,denganbahan-bahan berupa sayuran, daging, kuah kaldu atau beberapajeniskuah yang lain yang bisa dijadikan pilihan.Pada dasarnya, sup dibedakan menjadi 2 jenis yaitu supkentalyang menggunakan kuah creme dan sup bening yang menggunakankalduseperti ayam, seafood ataupun daging.Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu terdapat berbagai kreasiolahansup yang bisa di modifikasi atas nama kreatifitas ataupunselera.Setiap negara di dunia memiliki ciri tersendiri dalammenghidangkansup mereka. Untuk bangsa Eropa atau America, merekamasih seringmenggunakan sup dengan texture kental dan creamy, dantetapmenggunakan roti sebagai pendamping hidangan. Untuk bangsaAsia,seperti Indonesia dan Thailand, sup masih identik dengan kuahkalduseperti sup ayam dengan berbagai sayuran atau sup tom yamdengankuah pedas asam.Resep Sup Lezat ini pun dibuat untuk mereka yang inginbelajarmemasak dan ingin menghidangkan kedamaian dalam keluargadalamsemangkuk sup untuk keluarga. Terdapat 30 kreasi sup yang siapdicoba, dan dilengkapi dengan resep lengkap dan gambarberesolusitinggi yang bisa diakses melalui beberapa device Android.Semuaresep yang di tawarkan dalam aplikasi ini telah diujisebelumnya.When talking aboutsoups,this one is definitely synonymous with thin foods and warm,withingredients such as vegetables, meat, broth or some other typeofsauce that can be selected.Basically, the soup can be divided into two types, namely athicksoup that uses creme sauce and broth clear soup that usessuch aschicken, seafood or meat.Over time there are a variety of processed soup creationsthatcould be modified in the name of creativity or taste. Everycountryin the world has its own characteristics in their soupserving. Forthe Europeans, or America, they still often use thesoup with athick and creamy texture, and continue to use bread as acompaniondish. For Asian nations, such as Indonesia and Thailand,the soupis still synonymous with chicken broth as a soup with avariety ofvegetables or tom yam soup with sour spicy sauce.The Delicious Recipes Soups were made for those who want tolearnto cook and want to serve peace in the family in a bowl ofsoup forthe family. There are 30 creations soup ready in trying,and comescomplete with recipes and high-resolution images that canbeaccessed through several Android devices. All recipes are onofferin this application has been in the previous test.
Beautiful Malang 1.0
Mahoni Global, PT
Enjoying Malang from your gadget is no longer big deal. DownloadNOW for FREE! BEAUTIFUL MALANG App, will give you more about Malangand every beautiful things inside the town. Malang is locatedaround 90 Km from Surabaya, with easy and comfortable atmosphere.Having short trip to spend the week end in Malang is a nice plan tohave. The street is shady and the buildings around the town areclassically beautiful with remain of old story of ancient times.The city is well known for its mild climate that makes touristfeeling comfortable to visit, the air is quite refreshing and thereare some interesting sites like natural sightseeing, familyrecreation, amusement park and do not forget about the culinary.For those who love outdoor activities and natural sites can visitsome potential sites in Malang like the beach, the waterfalls orthe mountains. While, those who love ancient heritages, there aresome temples with some relics that can be seen. Craving for goodfood? Malang is also has it. While famous for the meat balls,Malang is also keeps other deliciousness in other food like thenoodles, the traditional snacks and some of signature dish fromteenager's' hang out. To give you enlightenment about Malang,Beautiful Malang App is designed to give you the pictures of Malangin glance. See the uniqueness in every category with completepictures and short description. Some other details are alsoattached to give you more. More information about Beautiful Malangapplication, don't hesitate to contact us at orvisit
Renungan Harian
Mahoni Global, PT
Renungan Harian adalah aplikasi newsstand digitaldariYayasan Gloria yang berisi beberapa kumpulan buku renunganbesertaaudio book dengan tema serupa.Layaknya visi dan misi dari Renungan Harian yanginginmenginginkan kehidupan kristiani yang SIGAP (Sehat, Imbang,Global,Aktual dan Praktis), begitupun aplikasi ini di buat untuksemakinmengikuti perkembangan jaman yang simple dan praktis tapitetappada alur iman yang benar dan taat.Di dalam aplikasi Renunang Harian ini, terdapatbuku-bukurenungan yang akan selalu di update sesuai dengan jumlahrenungansetiap harinya begitu juga dengan audio book, yangmerupakan bentukbaru dari sebuah renungan, yang biasanya hanya dibaca, tapisekarang bisa didengarkan layaknya siraman rohani.Our Daily is a digital newsstand app from Gloria thatcontainsa set of devotional books along with audio book with asimilartheme.Like the vision and mission of the Our Daily who want towantthe Christian life is swiftly (Healthy, Balanced, Global,Currentand Practical), as well as the application is made toincreasinglychanging times simple and practical but remains in thegroove forthe faith and obedience.In the Renunang Daily , there are books muse will alwaysbeupdated in accordance with the number of reflections each dayaswell as an audio book, which is a new form of anafterthought,which is usually only in reading, but now can be heardlike aspiritual cleansing.
30 Resep Sayur Sehat Lite
Mahoni Global, PT
Download lima resep GRATIS di dalamaplikasi30 Resep Sehat Lite, & dapatkan kelezatan berbagaipilihan resepsup dengan varian yang berbeda untuk dihidangkandengan lezat dansehat bagi orang tercinta.Penuhi kebutuhan sayur sehat untuk keluarga dengan olahanmasakanberbahan dasar sayur yang mudah dibuat.Sayur dan buah merupakan bagian dari asupan "empat sehat danlimasempurna" yang diperlukan tubuh setiap hari. Buah dan sayuranyangsehat sangat penting bagi kesehatan kita karena keduanyaadalahmakanan dari alam yang kaya akan nutrisi dan mengandungserat yangbaik untuk kelancaran pencernaan.Untuk memaksimalkan asupan berbagai nutrisi dalamtubuh,menkonsumsi sayur sehat dalam setiap menu makan kitasangatlahpenting. Perlu diketahui bahwa warna hijau pada sayur,yakni yangwarna berasal dari klorofil, menandakan kandungansulfarophane,isothiocyanate dan indoles. Ketiga zat ini berfungsiuntukmerangsang komponen pemecah unsur kimiawi penyebab kanker.Demi keseimbangan tubuh yang harus selalu sehat,menciptakanbeberapa varian menu sayur yang praktis adalah langkahawal untukmemulai hidup sehat. Dan hidup sehat bisa dimulai daribeberapakumpulan resep dalam aplikasi ini, yang bisa di downloaddenganmudah di Google Play. 30 Resep Sayur Sehat adalah kumpulanresepdengan bahan dasar sayur, setiap resep yang ada telah di ujicobasebelumnya dan dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar beresolusitinggi,serta cara memasak yang mudah dan sederhana.Download sekarang dan dapatkan 30 variasi masakan yang sehatdanlezat.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan hubungi info@mahoni.comataukunjungi www.mahoni.comDownload the FREEfiverecipes in 30 Healthy Recipes Lite application, and get awidechoice delicacy soup recipe with different variants to beservedwith a delicious and healthy for loved ones.Meet the needs of families with healthy vegetablesprocessedvegetable-based dishes that are easy to make.Vegetables and fruit are part of the intake of "four andfiveperfectly healthy" body needs every day. Fruits and vegetablesarehealthy is very important to our health because they are thefoodsfrom nature that is rich in nutrients and fiber that is goodforthe smooth digestion.In order to maximize the intake of various nutrients inthebody, consuming healthy vegetables in our diet everyveryimportant. Note that the green color of vegetables, namely thatthecolor comes from chlorophyll, indicating the contentofsulfarophane, isothiocyanates and indoles. All three ofthesesubstances serve to stimulate components of cancer-causingchemicalelement solver.For the sake of balance that must always be healthybody,creating some practical variants vegetable menu is the firststepto start a healthy lifestyle. And healthy living can bestartedfrom a set of recipes in this application, which can bedownloadedeasily on Google Play. 30 Healthy Vegetable Recipes is acollectionof recipes with basic ingredients of vegetable, everyrecipe thatthere has been in previous trials and is equippedwithhigh-resolution images, and how to cook easy andsimple.Download now and get 30 variations of healthy anddeliciousdishes.Suggestions, criticisms and questions please call
30 Kreasi Olahan Ayam
Download Aplikasi Kreasi Olahan Ayam dankreasikan aneka masakan berbahan dasar ayam dengan lebih berwarna,sehat dan lezat.Bonus Resep Tersedia!Bosan dengan ayam goreng atau sate ayam? Kini tidak lagi! sekali lagi mengeluarkan aplikasi buku resep baru untukmasakan dengan bahan dasar ayam yang bervariatif, mudah dansehat.Masakan dengan bahan utama ayam adalah masakan yang paling banyakdijumpai, karena tergolong mudah dan terjangkau. Tapi jangan hanyaterpaku dengan resep yang itu-itu saja, karenaDalam aplikasi ini, terdapat 30 pilihan resep yang sehat danpastinya lezat. Setiap resep yang ada telah di uji coba sebelumnyadan dilengkapi dengan gambar hasil olahan beresolusi tinggi.Aplikasi Kreasi Olahan Ayam akan membantu anda untuk membuat jadwalmasakan dengan bahan dasar ayam yang bervariasi dan mudah untukdiikuti.Kreasi Olahan Ayam bisa di akses di Android Tablet dan Smartphone,dan akan memudahkan anda untuk membuat kreasi baru yang sehat danmudah untuk keluarga tercinta.Download ApplicationCreation Processed Chicken and kreasikan chicken-based dishes withmore colorful, healthy and delicious.Bonus Recipes Available!Bored with fried chicken or chicken satay? Not anymore! once again issued a new recipe book application withbasic ingredients for cooking chicken varied, easy andhealthy.Cuisine with the main ingredient chicken is a dish that is mostoften found, as relatively easy and affordable. But do not justwait for a recipe that's it, becauseIn this application, there are 30 choices of healthy recipes and ofcourse delicious. Each recipe that there has been in previoustrials and is equipped with high-resolution images processed.Creative Applications Processed Chicken will help you to create aschedule with the basic ingredients of chicken dishes are variedand easy to follow.Processed Chicken creations can be accessed on Android Tablets andSmartphones, and will allow you to make new creations are healthyand easy to beloved family.
30 Kreasi Olahan Ayam Lite
Mahoni Global, PT
Dapatkan lima resep GRATIS danhidangkanbeberapa pilihan resep ayam yang sehat dan bervariasi.Download Aplikasi Kreasi Olahan Ayam dan kreasikan anekamasakanberbahan dasar ayam dengan lebih berwarna, sehat danlezat.Bosan dengan ayam goreng atau sate ayam? Kini tidak lagi! sekali lagi mengeluarkan aplikasi buku resep baruuntukmasakan dengan bahan dasar ayam yang bervariatif, mudahdansehat.Masakan dengan bahan utama ayam adalah masakan yang palingbanyakdijumpai, karena tergolong mudah dan terjangkau. Tapi janganhanyaterpaku dengan resep yang itu-itu saja, karenaDalam aplikasi ini, terdapat 30 pilihan resep yang sehatdanpastinya lezat. Setiap resep yang ada telah di uji cobasebelumnyadan dilengkapi dengan gambar hasil olahan beresolusitinggi.Aplikasi Kreasi Olahan Ayam akan membantu anda untuk membuatjadwalmasakan dengan bahan dasar ayam yang bervariasi dan mudahuntukdiikuti.Kreasi Olahan Ayam bisa di akses di Android TabletdanSmartphone, dan akan memudahkan anda untuk membuat kreasi baruyangsehat dan mudah untuk keluarga tercinta.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan hubungi info@mahoni.comataukunjungi www.mahoni.comGet FREE recipesandserve five multiple choice healthy chicken recipes andvaried.Download Creative Applications Processed Chicken andkreasikanchicken-based dishes with more colorful, healthyanddelicious.Bored with fried chicken or chicken satay? Not anymore! once again issued a new recipe book applicationwithbasic ingredients for cooking chicken varied, easyandhealthy.Cuisine with the main ingredient chicken is a dish thatismost often found, as relatively easy and affordable. But donotjust wait for a recipe that's it, becauseIn this application, there are 30 choices of healthyrecipesand of course delicious. Each recipe that there has beeninprevious trials and is equipped with high-resolutionimagesprocessed. Creative Applications Processed Chicken will helpyou tocreate a schedule with the basic ingredients of chickendishes arevaried and easy to follow.Processed Chicken creations can be accessed on AndroidTabletsand Smartphones, and will allow you to make new creationsarehealthy and easy to beloved family.Suggestions, criticisms and questions please call
UU Perseroan Terbatas
Mahoni Global, PT
Perseroan Terbatas (PT), adalah suatubadanhukum untuk menjalankan usaha yang memiliki modal dan terdiridarisaham-saham, yang pemiliknya memiliki bagian sebanyak sahamyangdimilikinya. Karena modalnya terdiri dari saham-saham yangdapatdiperjualbelikan, perubahan kepemilikan perusahaan dapatdilakukantanpa perlu membubarkan perusahaan. Undang-undangperseroanterbatas ini memuat hal-hal yang terkait sebuah Perseroansecaradetail, seperti akta pendirian, anggaran dasar dan keteranganlainyang berkaitan dengan pendirian Perseroan. Download GRATIShanya diAndroid.Limited LiabilityCompany(PT), is a legal entity to run a business that consists ofcapitaland stocks, which is a part owner of shares owned. Becausecapitalconsists of stocks that can be bought and sold, changesincorporate ownership can be done without the need to dissolvethecompany. Limited liability company statute sets forthrelatedmatters in detail a company, such as the deed ofincorporation,articles of association and other informationrelating to theestablishment of the Company. Download FREE only onAndroid.
The Cancer Killing Tree 1.9
Mahoni Global, PT
Cancer is one of the deathful decease thatmostpeople are frightened of. There are view number of patient ofthiscancer are survived but most of them are dead in vain. Thecommontherapy for this decrease is by doing chemotherapy.Unfortunately,this chemotherapy system is having a lot of badeffects for otherpart of body. The bad effects that obviouslyappear are hair loss,fatigue, anemia, nausea and vomiting andmore.Is there any natural medication for cancer?It is Annona Muricata or better known as Graviola or soursopisthe answer. This plant is originally coming from LatinAmerica.This fruit is believed can naturally cure cancer in anytypes likecolon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreaticcancer andprostate cancer.From all part of the fruits like the rod, flowers, leaves,theskin and the pulps are beneficially important as cancerkillingremedy.The fruit is can be consume directly, it taste sour and sweetatthe same time and it freshen. In other way, it can also juicedasan beverages.The leaves can be used by boiling it for about 10 sheetsanddrink the water 3 times a day.The rod, flower and the skin is also can be boiled and drinkthewater periodically.In Soursop, it contains some compounds like polyphenol,saphoninand bioflavonoid that important to be an antioxidant.Thismagnificent fruit has its own unique way to obstruct and tokillthe abnormal cells that lead to cancer. Because it is herbal,thenit safe for the normal cell.Therefore, by this magnificent benefit that soursop has,thisbook launched to share the information for those whosufferedcancer or those who are concern to this issue.There is hope to survive from cancer and there will be no onewhodie in vain because of cancer, for there is the cure. Aherbalicmedication from Soursop is the answer, it safe, natural,affordableand have no bad effects occur.
UU Tindak Pidana Korupsi
Mahoni Global, PT
Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Korupsiadalahundang-undang resmi yang mengatur tentang segala tindakanorangperseorangan atau termasuk korporasi yang secara melawanhukum,melakukan perbuatan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orang lainatausuatu korporasi yang dapat merugikan keuangan negaraatauperekonomian negara. Undang-undang ini juga termasuk bagiandariKitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana atau KUHP. DonwloadUndang-undangini sekarang, GRATIS.Law of Corruption istheofficial laws governing the actions an individual or acorporationthat is against the law, committing to enrich themselvesor someoneelse or a corporation that could harm the financial oreconomicstate of the country. This law also includes a part of theBook ofthe Criminal Justice Act or the Criminal Code. Donwload thisActNow for FREE.
Giant Chess 1.3.2
Mahoni Global, PT
Have you ever asked yourself why a Chesspieceshould be smaller than your hand?We, at Giant Chess, know the answer: it shouldnít.Thatís why we offer carved Chess figures in teak wood for thosewholike to play on a larger scale. Our sculpted Chess sets arecarvedin various large sizes and are ideal for indoor andoutdooruse.Enhance your garden, park, house or hotel with a giant chess setorgiant chess piece in teak wood - they are created with thehighestornamental craftsmanship. While the pieces are designed forchessgames.More info visit :http://www.giantchess.comemail :
GKI Surabaya
Mahoni Global, PT
Selamat Datang Di Aplikasi GKISurabayaAplikasi Digital untuk Warta Jemaat GKI untuk AndroidAplikasi GKI Surabaya merupakan aplikasi yang memuat semua WartaGereja, Kidung Agung, Info terkini seputar acara yang akan di gelaratau info apapun terkait acara khusus dan atau Ibadah umum dimasing-masing Gereja GKI yang ada di Surabaya; yang dimuat secaradigital dan bisa didownload gratis di Gadget masing-masing.Aplikasi GKI Surabaya merupakan bentuk sumbangsih Mahoni.comsebagai salah satu developer aplikasi mobile di Indonesia, yangjuga menjadi bentuk pelayanan kepada semua jemaat Gereja KristenIndonesia di Surabaya.Dengan adanya aplikasi GKI Surabaya, diharapkan bisa mengurangilembaran warta gereja yang dibagikan kepada Jemaat setiap kaliibadah yang memuat tentang alur ibadah, renungan mingguan, infotentang pernikahan, baptisan, penyerahan anak atau info apapunseputar acara yang akan berlangsung seperti Natal, Paskah atauapapun. Semua lembaran tersebut hanya akan dibaca saat itu juga,dengan beberapa hal yang juga kurang efisien. Dengan adanya wartagereja secara digital, setiap jemaat bisa download pada gadgetmasing-masing dan semua info bisa tersimpan dengan rapi danefektif. Hal ini juga menjadi bentuk eco-greenliving, denganmenghemat penggunaan kertas.Melalui Aplikasi GKI Surabaya, kabar baik masih tetap bisa diwartakan dan sebagai manusia modern, iman kita bisa tetap bertumbuhdengan lebih baik.Download sekarang! GRATIS!Welcome to the GKISurabaya ApplicationsDigital Applications for GKI Church News for AndroidGKI Surabaya application is an application that contains all ofNews of the Church, the Song of Songs, the latest info about theevent to be in the title or any information related special eventsand or public worship in each of the GKI church in Surabaya; whichwas published digitally and can be downloaded free of charge at theGadget respectively.GKI application Surabaya is a form of contribution asone of the mobile application developer in Indonesia, which is alsoa form of service to all the Christian Church of Indonesia inSurabaya.With the application of GKI Surabaya, is expected to reduce thechurch news sheets distributed to Church every time the worshipwhich contain the flow of worship, meditation weekly, info aboutthe wedding, baptism, child delivery or any info about upcomingevents such as Christmas, Easter or any , All sheets will only beread when it, too, with some of the things that are also lessefficient. With the news digitally church, each church can downloadthe gadget each and all info can be stored neatly and effectively.It is also a form of eco-greenliving, to save paper.Through the application GKI Surabaya, good news can still be atpreached and as modern humans, our faith can still growbetter.Download now! FREE!
30 Resep Kreasi Kentang Lite
Mahoni Global, PT
Download Resep Kreasi Kentang Lite dandapatkan lima Resep GRATIS! Hanya Untuk Android Tablet &Smartphone!Aplikasi Resep Kreasi Kentang berisi kumpulan resep dengan bahandasar kentang yang sehat, lezat dan mudah dibuat.Aplikasi Resep Kreasi Kentang dari, adalah karya terbaruyang bisa di download dari Google Play dan bisa dijadikan inpirasidalam menu masakan anda. Setiap resep dalam kumpulan olahan kentangini telah di uji coba sebelumnya dan dilengkapi dengan 30 gambarberesolusi tinggi dan panduan memasak yang jelas dan ringkas.Lepas dari perkedel kentang atau sambal goreng kentang, tidakbanyak yang mengetahui bahwa kentang ternyata bisa dikreasikanmenjadi olahan makanan yang tak kalah enak dan bervariasi. Darimenu yang sederhana hingga menjadi jamuan kelas restaurant mewah,kentang bisa dikreasikan menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda untuk sajianmakan keluarga anda.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan hubungi atau kunjungiwww.mahoni.comDownload RecipeCreations Potato Recipes Lite and get five FREE! Just For AndroidTablet & Smartphone!The application contains a collection Potato Recipe Creationsrecipe with basic ingredients potatoes healthy, tasty and easy tomake.Application of Potato Recipe Creations, is the latestwork which can be downloaded from Google Play and can be used asinspiration in your cooking menu. Each recipe in the collection ofprocessed potato has been in previous trials and is equipped with30 high-resolution images and cooking guide is clear andconcise.Regardless of sambal fried potato cakes or potatoes, not manypeople know that potatoes could actually be processed fooddikreasikan no less tasty and varied. From the menu that is simpleto become a luxury restaurant banquet class, potatoes candikreasikan be something different for your family meal dish.Suggestions, criticisms and questions please call or
Mahoni Global, PT
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulanMajalahInfoKomputer yang membahas pemanfaatan teknologi informasidi levelenterprise. Disajikan dengan tajam dan mendalam,InfoKomputeradalah bacaan wajib CIO dan IT Professional diIndonesiaThis applicationcontainsa collection of InfoKomputer magazine that discusses theuse ofinformation technology at the enterprise level. Served withsharpand deep, InfoKomputer is required reading CIO and ITProfessionalin Indonesia
30 Resep Kreasi Jagung Lite
Mahoni Global, PT
Dapatkan lima resep hidangan spesial darijagung yang lezat dan sehat, GRATIS!Membuat Hidangan Special Dari Jagung. Mungkinkah? Tentu sajamungkin.Resep Kreasi Jagung merupakan aplikasi yang berisi 30 resep denganbahan dasar jagung yang bisa di dapat sebagai bahan referensi untukmemasak hidangan pembuka, hidangan utama bahkan kue-kue danhidangan penutup.Memasak jagung kini bisa lebih bervariatif, karena 30 Resep KreasiJagung akan membantu anda membuat beberapa olahan istimewa berbahandasar jagung, yang bisa dihidangkan sebagai cemilan, makansehari-hari, hantaran bahkan pesta.Setiap resep yang ada dilengkapi dengan bahan dan penjelasanbagaimana cara memasaknya. Ditambah lagi, setiap resep telah diujicoba sebelumnya dan hasil akhir di tampilkan dalam gambarberesolusi tinggi.Download sekarang dan Selamat mencobaSaran, kritik dan pertanyaan hubungi atau kunjungiwww.mahoni.comGet a special fivecourse meal recipes of delicious and healthy corn, FREE!Creating Special Dishes From Corn. Could it be? Certainlypossible.Creative recipes Corn is an application that contains 30 recipeswith corn base material that can be can be as reference material tocook an appetizer, main course and even pastries anddesserts.Cooking corn can now be more varied, because 30 Corn RecipeCreations will help you make some special preparations made fromcorn, which can be served as a snack, eat everyday, conducting evena party.Each recipe that is equipped with materials and an explanation ofhow to cook. Plus, every recipe has been in previous trials and thefinal results in the show in high resolution image.Download now and Good luckSuggestions, criticisms and questions please call or